1 installment of $76.25 USD without interest | Total $76.25 USD |
𓇼 This item is a replica, meaning it is not original. We work with high quality replicas so that they match the original product as much as possible.
𓇼 10-90 working business shipping time, this item ships exclusively from CHINA. Find out more about shipping on the ‘STORE TERMS’ page. When completing the purchase, we assume that you comply with the deadlines established here.
𓇼 The external shipping box is used exclusively for shipping the product, damage to the box/external packaging does not constitute a damage to the product and is not refundable.
𓇼 In case of taxes or postal charges, payment of these is the sole responsibility of the CLIENT. Find out more about fees on the ‘STORE TERMS’ page.
𓇼Earring made from stainless steel.